
We are a group of citizens of the EarthShip, defined by our mutual humanity, our inherent connection to the culture of soil and the wonder of  the stars. This blog is part of our game design process, where we gather as a collected community to put together the components for the Athens Play Day [ http://play4life.ga/ ] On the 11th November, we will gather in Athens and at grid nodes around the world, to play a win-win collaborative street game that invites people to approach their life and world-changing habits with a creative playfulness in celebration of our Humanity

Are you are driven by the ideas we gather around? That we write our own mythologies, we are writing into existence right now, a new way of being a human, a nu shape of self governance and liquid democracy, life as being a game on our GardenHomePlanet, where we can connect, collaborate and co-inspire as we please, a borderless state of mind, a future where freedom is equal to all, in abundance and the advancement of the human-consciousness experiment


Do you like the mechanics of non-zero sum games, does the thrill of unlocking human potential through co-creating and rapid co-development rise in your conversations, do you believe in the open source world, the decentralised network and the rising  global consciousness that is aimed at regeneration and restoration of human and planetary ecosystems, to reclaim our Commons and protect our available wilds and woods and reclaim our sovereignity

Do you connect to the belief that, as citizens of the EarthShip,  that we, All living creatures and entities have a right to a just, free, equal and healthy planethomeship, to be free to travel and connect across our individual streaks, to pursue technological advancement with ethical foundations and to make decisions now, with seven generations ahead in mind.


If this is you, then this is your Game. Become a GameMaker, or help up with the game and app/web design. We always can use more hands and hearts and eyes, from social media skills, to web design, app design, game theory experts, collaborative gaming people, basically anyone who has time to play this kind of game, a win-win game, and wants to join the network.

Contact us